If you are studying OCR A, you will benefit from joining my OCR A level Biology Y13 group Masterclasses, which start on Tuesday 8th of October at 6.30pm
There is a different topic each week.
We cover the required theory, linking this to examples of OCR A past-paper exam questions so students can see how to correctly apply their knowledge to gain full credit.
The classes are popular and interactive.
The class is only for OCR A Y13 students - this focus means I can give advice specific to how OCR A word their exam questions and their requirements.
Classes run on every week on Zoom, last an hour, and cost £45.
You are welcome to attend as a paid trial, if you wish to continue then you are committing to attend regularly.
8.10 Photosynthesis part 1
15.10 Photosynthesis part 2
22.10 Communication and Homeostasis
5.11 Respiration part 1
12.11 Respiration part 2
19.11 Control of Blood glucose
26.11 Excretion and the liver
3.12 Kidneys Part 1
10.12 Kidneys Part 2
17.12 Nerves part 1
7.1 Nerves Part 2 and Synapses
14.1 Animal responses
21.1 Meiosis recap and Monohybrid inheritance
28.1 Dihybrid Inheritance and Autosomal linkage
4.2 Chi squared and t-test
11.2 Succession and Distribution and Abundance
25.2 Muscle Contraction
4.3 Cellular Control - Gene mutations and Control of Gene Expression
11.3 Manipulating Genomes (a,b) DNA and Gene sequencing
18.3 Nitrogen Cycle
25.3 Manipulating Genomes DNA profiling, PCR and DNA Analysis
4.1 Hardy Weinberg, Speciation
8.4 Populations and Sustainability (a,b) Size, Interaction
15.4 Classification and Evolution (a-d)
22.4 Gene Therapy, Animal and Plant cloning
29.4 Plant responses
6.5 Conservation, Preservation and Management
13.5 Biotechnology - Use of Microorganisms
20.5 Plant transport Y12 recap
27.5 Animal Transport: Cardiac Cycle recap
3.6 Respiration recap